Health and Safety

To ensure a safe, healthy and conducive learning and working environment, NIHSS has in place Health and Safety committee and policy.

NIHSS health and safety policy applies to all learners, employees, parents, contractors and other visitors to NIHSS.

The Health and Safety committee is responsible for:

  • Seeking to identify hazards, assess risks and aspects of learning and workplace that may be unhealthy or unsafe;
  • Participating in workplace health and safety inspections;
  • Receiving complaints from learners and workers as to their concerns about health and safety;
  • Making recommendations to management to protect the health, safety, and welfare of workers and learners;
  • Establishing and promoting health and safety information, training/educational programs for leaners and workers;
  • Ensuring that behaviors of all persons at NIHSS is safe and without risks to health .

In order to achieve a safe, healthy and conducive learning and working environment at NIHSS, the following measures are in place:

  • Health and safety policy;
  • Health and Safety Committee;
  • Procedures in case of fire; Fire extinguishers, Fire alarms, Fire assembly point, Security Cameras, First aid kits, Health and Safety information/banners/posters/Symbols;
  • Procedures in case of tsunami;
  • Emergency procedures;
  • Accident and hazard reporting procedures;
  • Induction of new learners and staff;
  • Rules of laboratory conduct;
  • Safe handling and storage of chemicals;
  • Learners welfare support


Contact Us

National Institute of Health and Social Studies (NIHSS)

Ministry of Health
Mont Fleuri
P.O. BOX 52 Victoria

Tel: +248 4399440