Grading System

To ensure compatibility between grades awarded for assignments and courses, the following grading system will be applicable for all courses.

Award Marks (%) Level Descriptors
Distinction 85 – 100 Highly competent performance. The learner performs excellently on some criteria and well on most of the others. The learner demonstrates competencies of a very high standard and comparable to professionals in the field.
Credit 70 – 84 Good and competent performance. The learner performs well on some criteria and satisfactorily on all or most of the others. The learner demonstrates competencies of a high standard and comparable to professionals in the field.
Pass 55 – 69 Competent performance. The learner performs at least satisfactorily on all criteria. The learner demonstrates competencies standard to professionals in the field.
Fail Below 55 Poor performance. The learner performs poorly on most of the criteria. The learner demonstrates significant weaknesses in the competencies required to work as a professional in the field.

Contact Us

National Institute of Health and Social Studies (NIHSS)

Ministry of Health
Mont Fleuri
P.O. BOX 52 Victoria

Tel: +248 4399440